EuroTeQ partners offer selected virtual courses and challenges to all their students. Browse our course catalogue and apply for courses provided by a partner university at your home institution.

Frequently asked questions

Through the Course Catalogue, we offer our students the possibility to take a specialized course at a partner institution which may not be on offer at your own institution. Also, you can get a taste of an international experience without leaving home.

Browse the catalogue for courses that are interesting to you. When you find one, press the ‘apply’ button which you’ll find on the page of that course. This will lead you to a contact point at your home institution (see below). They will do some basic checks, such as, if you are really a student of this institution. Then they will pass on your application data to the host institution. The host institution may require additional data from you.

At some universities, the academic staff has the final decision in accepting or refusing EuroTeQ students. Sometimes, there may be a check whether the students meet all the requirements for the course to be completed successfully. If this applies to you, we’ll inform you.

The rules and regulations for transfer of credits back to your home university vary by institution and sometimes even by department. We advise you to discuss the transfer process with your home institution. Credit transfer remains your own responsibility!

At times, it may not be possible to continue with a course, for good reasons such as conflicts of schedules, lack of time or different expectations. But please take this decision with care. Teachers put a lot of extra effort, time and resources into courses to enable EuroTeQ students to participate, and withdrawing from a course may disrupt the smooth running of the classroom for the rest of the group. If you really need to withdraw, then please inform the home university, the host university and the teacher and also give a reason why you decide to withdraw. Please also fill in our drop-out survey.

At each participating university, there’s a contact point available to you. Find their addresses here: