Who can participate?

The Collider is primarily for students from EuroTeQ partner Universities. It is also open to professionals and lifelong learners from our respective ecosystems’ and to associated partners.  

What is in for participants ?
  • ECTS for students that complete the Collider
  • A EuroTeQ certificate for non-academic participants
  • An opportunity to develop valuable intercultural and entrepreneurial skills for your future career

As a participant in the Collider, you are part of a truly European experience. It is our aim to see how the different topics are addressed across different locations prior to the EuroTeQaThon

Join as a student
Collaborate as a partner
Other ways to connect

As part of the Collider, you can work on real-life problems, together in international and diverse teams, where everyone brings in their own perspective and experiences. All EuroTeQ partner universities will have a Collider project week(s). In general, you can register for the Collider via ECTS accredited courses. 

Click below to learn more about the Collider at your University.

Each EuroTeQ partner university has developed a format to allow partners and lifelong learners to engage. You can participate as a mentor, coach, inspirational speaker or by suggesting a concrete challenge a team can work on. 

Contact us to find out how to get involved in the local Collider and the EuroTeQ community!

We are always looking for new ways to learn and collaborate in projects involving education, industry and society. We encourage all those who are interested in the EuroTeQ Collider to reach out to us at euroteq@tue.nl

The upcoming EuroTeQ Collider at CTU (Czech Technical University) is planned for spring 2025 as a two-week event taking place in two sessions between 8 – 24 March 2025. This project course, organized by prof. Henri Achten, is based on the principles of challenge-based learning (CBL). Industry partners provide the concrete real-world challenges, while students from various faculties and backgrounds form teams to tackle these topics and come up with possible solutions. Student teams are supported by CTU staff and mentors from the involved companies. The communication between students, teachers, and companies is organized in face-to-face sessions, supplemented by Microsoft Teams and Discord. Coordination and guidance is provided by members of the EuroTeQ team at CTU. 

For more information on the EuroTeQ Collider at CTU, please visit CTU EuroTeQ Website

The Collider at DTU is organized by DTU Skylab where one can bring ideas and projects from selected DTU courses or co-curricular events and enter them into the ‘collider-sign-up-platform’. Chosen projects will go through a preparation program providing tools & frameworks to advance the ideas including building the network with industry experts as mentors & coaches. 

To find out more contact the local DTU Collider project manager, cjes@dtu.dk

At École Polytechnique, the next Collider will run between mid-January and April. During the planned 8-weeks project period, participants will work in teams and take part in various activities encouraging creativity and innovation. Professors and experts from the professional world will offer their advice as the teams take up the Collider challenges related to the theme enhance connections.  

The challenges co-defined by researchers, professors, and industry partners will allow for a unique experimental learning opportunity in a multicultural environment. Participants get the chance to apply their knowledge to concrete real-world problems and earn ECTS upon completion of the Collider 

For further information or to get involved, please get in touch with Élise Herlicq

The upcoming edition of EuroTeQ Collider at TalTech (Tallinn University of Technology) is offered again through multiple courses throughout different departments and will run between February and June 2024. Students from different study levels and curriculums will solve real-world challenges provided by faculties of TalTech, partners from the industry and TalTech’s research groups to come up with possible solutions. The local Collider will culminate with the TalTech Sustainable Futures event, which is open to all TalTech students across disciplines – to pitch their ideas and solutions they have come up with through teamwork. 

For more information on the EuroTeQ Collider at TalTech, please visit the TalTech EuroTeQ Website

The Collider at TU/e (Eindhoven University of Technology) is offered as an eight-week elective course (5 ECTs) and will start on Tuesday (morning) February 6th. Registration is open to both master students and any bachelor student who completed at least two years of the bachelor program. In mixed teams of diverse study programs, disciplines and universities learners will tackle real-live challenges and develop a broad set of skills aiming at improving your capabilities to, amongst others: offer an innovative and entrepreneurial solution that is not only technical, address uncertainty and acting while being out of your comfort zone.  

For more information and the registration links, please visit our local TU/e EuroTeQ Website 

The EuroTeQ Collider at TUM (Technical University of Munich) is organized by the TUM: Junge Akademie, in cooperation with the TUM Global & Alumni Office and multiple departments at TUM. 

The next Collider is planned for spring 2024 and will run between April and June. Registration is open to students from various study fields, including Bachelor and Master programs. For the project weeks, we aim to form interdisciplinary teams of students and vocational trainees who find innovative solutions for their real-world challenges provided from various TUM faculties, student organizations and industry partners. 

For more information on the EuroTeQ Collider at TUM, please visit our local TUM JA Collider Website.