DTU Learn for Life and DTU Learning Lab co-hosted a EuroTeQ & Boost EuroTeQ mini conference on Micro-Credentials on Friday, April 19,  2024. mThe conference was a hybrid event gathering staff and decision makers across DTU as well as colleagues from Work Package 4 – The EuroTeQ Professional as well as external guests from other Danish universities. 

European Universities are currently examining new formats for livelong learning including debating how best to develop and offer fully online, short and flexible accredited and non-accredited courses in demand and needed by industry.

The keynote speaker at the event was Hanne Shapiro, who is a Danish expert in online learning in continuing education. She presented the developments from Open University, via MOOCs to Micro Credentials, and explained how both the EU, the OECD and national authorities on education in the Nordic countries and at American universities are approaching the challenging task. 

Examples of DTU’s own involvement in Micro Credentials was presented by DTU Wind, where Micro Credentials will be developed and offered through the European consortium DigiWind funded by digitalreurope. They  presented how EuroTeQ is working with the co-creation of Micro Credentials in innovation and entrepreneurship funded by Eramus+.

The program of the mini conference also included a panel debate about how DTU must approach the task, and the panellists offered concrete examples of what is needed from various parts of DTU, including IT and Media Lab, the critical involvement of teachers and decision makers, as well as the need for placing it within the overall strategy for lifelong learning. 

Malene Bolding from DTU's Learning Lab, Centre for Teaching and Learning in Engineering Education presents EuroTeQ's strategic goals for continuous education. Photo: Ulla Gade Bisgaard, DTU
Panel discussion about the demands on continuous education and the answers EuroTeQ can provide. Photo: Ulla Gade Bisgaard, DTU
Hanne Shapiro talks about a European approach to micro-credentials in the context of lifelong learning.Photo: Ulla Gade Bisgaard, DTU