3rd Joint Meeting on Lifelong Learning
On June 21-22, 2023, over 30 colleagues from throughout the six EuroTeQ partner universities came together at Technical University of Munich (TUM) to discuss the future of Lifelong Learning.
The group consists of the heads and staff of continuous education units at each university, as well as researchers and experts in teaching and learning in technical education. Colleagues of the EuroTeQ management and BoostEuroTeQ project also joined the discussion. Togehter, they took stock and evaluated on the outcomes in the area of lifelong learning in EuroTeQ. Reflecting on the learnings of the past years, while also looking ahead.
The meeting had as its main focus to present the last deliverables and provide an initial overall wrap up on the full project period including the concept for promoting the “Active Eco System” through the concept “Open University”, our joint Competence Model and the 21 Future Competences.

Together, the group had completed an analysis of competence gaps that regular study programs for students do not address, yet companies need from today’s graduates. The colleagues set up frameworks for Micro-credentials, discussed learning paths and continuing education streams and made inventories of each partners’ organisational structures for professional education.
Now, it is time to aim for the steps and enter a phase of concrete implementation of programs and continuing education activities, such as a joint Executive Program for Senior Specialists. The meeting was a true success in this regard, as it allowed in-depth discussions and a deep dive into the details of such programs. Additionally, the working group grew stronger together.
“The participants underlined the value of meeting in person as opposed to participating in the many online meetings over the past years. For that reason, we also decided to try and strengthen the feeling of belonging to the project, the value of bonding at the personal level, and of course creating an enabling environment for sharing knowledge and experience.”
Ulla Gade Bisgaard, Project Manager at DTU
The TUM workshop meeting was already the third time the colleagues came together. The first such meeting was held by TalTech in Tallinn in December 2022, the second by CTU in Prague in March 2023, and now by TUM in June 2023. Alongside this meeting, colleagues of the partner universities Alumni Offices came together for the first time, to kick-off a brand new EuroTeQ Network of Alumni Offices.
Workshop on Lifelong Learning at TUM, Photo Credit: Tobias Ludwig , TUM
Workshop on Lifelong Learning at TUM, Photo Credit: Tobias Ludwig , TUM
Workshop on Lifelong Learning at TUM, Photo Credit: Tobias Ludwig , TUM
Workshop on Lifelong Learning at TUM, Photo Credit: Tobias Ludwig , TUM
Workshop on Lifelong Learning at TUM, Photo Credit: Tobias Ludwig , TUM
Workshop on Lifelong Learning at TUM, Photo Credit: Tobias Ludwig , TUM
Workshop on Lifelong Learning at TUM, Photo Credit: Tobias Ludwig , TUM
Workshop on Lifelong Learning at TUM, Photo Credit: Tobias Ludwig , TUM
Workshop on Lifelong Learning at TUM, Photo Credit: Tobias Ludwig , TUM
Workshop on Lifelong Learning at TUM, Photo Credit: Tobias Ludwig , TUM
PWorkshop on Lifelong Learning at TUM, Photo Credit: Tobias Ludwig , TUM
Workshop on Lifelong Learning at TUM, Photo Credit: Tobias Ludwig , TUM