The third EuroTeQaThon international event took place from June 10 to 12 at Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU). Some 90 students from the 6 EuroTeQ Alliance schools gathered together. They presented 18 innovative solutions for challenges offered by firms on the main theme “Leave No Waste Behind.”
The students got to know each other and worked on their final project presentations in the first two days. Workshops were offered and students gave each other valuable reactions in peer feedback sessions. The social aspects was also covered with a boat ride on Vltava river on Saturday 10 and a barbeque-grill on Sunday 11 June. The activities were hosted at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (day 1 and 3) and the Faculty of Civil Engineering (day 2).
An international jury of 5 members decided on winning teams in three different aspects:
The award for most impactful solution went to team The Himalayan Legos (TUM), with members Mihir Agrawal, Rahul Jagannath Manna, Jingyuan Zhang, Aljoscha Franovic, Elisa India Hobelsberger, Amir Aslam, Sapna Dalwaldi and Vaibhav Sharma.
The award for most innovative solution went to team Space Junk Juggernauts from TU/e, with members Tiasa Das, Eashwar Ravikkumar, Alena Zikmundová, Alena and Kai Snoeren.
The award for most launch-ready solution went to team SoftAware from TUM, with members Laura Prieto, Anu Sree Krishna, Marie-Louise Heß, Krunal Lashkari and Maitreyee Gupte.
The finale day was attended by special guests, the ambassadors of the Netherlands, Denmark, and Estonia, and representatives of the embassy of Germany. Award were handed out by representatives from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the City of Prague, and the Rector of CTU.

Congratulations to all winners and everyone who participated.

Record of final presentations:

EuroTeQaThon @CTU Prague – overview