Call for developing the EuroTeQ Collider project weeks at Technical University of Munich
The EuroTeQ Engineering University is looking for a dedicated chair, professor or unit of TUM to develop and run the EuroTeQ Collider. The awarded team will be supported by a Program Manager position, which is funded through the EuroTeQ project. The Collider is deemed to be a new and innovative training offer in the form of project weeks aiming at bringing different learner groups together.
The Collider Program Manager together with the expertise of the chair, supervisor or institutional setting coordinates the development of this challenge-based learning activity at TUM, in cooperation with five other European Universities within the EuroTeQ project. You will organise the Collider project weeks, which will run for the first time in the summer semester 2022, coordinate activities with different TUM departments, facilitate mentoring offers, entrepreneurial and communication activities, and support the EuroTeQaThon – the Colliders final pitch competition.
We expect around 30-50 participants (mostly students, but also professionals and ideally vocationals), split into mixed groups of around 5 learners each.
The EuroTeQ Engineering University strives to promote collaboration between six strong Universities of Technology and 45 associated partners, fostering the European spirit in innovative engineering education across Europe. The EuroTeQ project has started in November 2021 and coordinated many existing learning offers to students across six campuses. In 2022, a new challenge-based learning format, the EuroTeQ Collider, will be developed and offered at each EuroTeQ location.
The EuroTeQ Collider format is open to students, vocational trainees as well as professional learners. It aims to connect participants with different profiles and personalities to boost creativity, innovation, shared understanding, enabling them to imagine new approaches, design disruptive solutions, and create prototypes to take up the respective challenge.
The EuroTeQ Collider consists of several phases the project manager will work on:
- Open Call for ideas
- Clustering exercise of the collected ideas
- Transformation of ideas into challenges in cooperation with the local institutional eco-system
- Collect TUM courses accompanying the Collider, which are open for all participants
- Promote Courses and Challenges to all target groups, incl. information session and pop-up events together with partners outside of the university
- Collider week as intensive teamwork and interdisciplinary experience
- EuroTeQaThon as a competition between successful teams of the six partner universities
Throughout all phases, a close alignment with the European partner universities and active contribution in a working group is foreseen.
The Collider is organized around a central theme. This year’s Collider topic is Leave no waste behind. The Call for Ideas was published on the EuroTeQ website and was open between 10 October and 7 November 2021. EuroTeQ has identified three topical clusters: cities – energy – consumption, which shall be transformed into challenges.
During the EuroTeQ Collider week, which will take place at TUM in May 2022 for the first time, the participants form ideally a team of students, professionals and vocationals and have the possibility to learn together and from each other, get insights in the latest technological developments, get entrepreneurial inspiration and act in close cooperation with companies.
We look for cooperation with chairs, individual professors or other units of TUM, willing to support the development and implementation of the EuroTeQ Collider. The goal is it to coordinate the development of challenges, based on the aforementioned topics. For this purpose, we offer here close cooperation with our Local Advisory Board members within the EuroTeQ governance set-up, including BMW, Infineon and Siemens.
According to your expertise, the applicant chair, professor or unit should offer at least one Collider course in the spring term 2022. You may choose existing courses and adapt them according to the topic chosen, arrange new teaching formats or identify suitable courses at TUM accordingly. In case you are not a teacher, we support you in your efforts to coordinate and encourage other professors to open or adapt their courses for the EuroTeQ Collider.
The Collider course(es) shall be accompanied by mentoring or entrepreneurial coaching activities to the benefit of the students. These activities shall be gathered and coordinated by the applicant.
The challenge formulation and course phase shall be accompanied by communication activities allowing students to get informed and to generate participants for the upcoming Collider week. For this purpose, we foresee six pop-up cafés that can be included into existing TUM events, as well as organized with external partners.
The organisation of the Collider week falls into the responsibility of the applicant. During this intensive week in May, the selected teams work together and address related challenges.
Winning teams at TUM level will be able to participate in the EuroTeQaThon, a final Collider competition. For the organisation of the EuroTeQaThon you will be supported by TUM Junge Academie, which has valuable experience.
We encourage in particular those professors, chairs or units to participate who/ which have a particular link to sustainability issues and this year’s topic “Leave no waste behind”, in particular in one or several clustered topics – cities – energy – consumption.
The cycle closes with input to the overall topic to be chosen for the next Collider and the launch of the subsequent Call for ideas. An interest or experience in entrepreneurial thinking and challenge- or project based learning approaches is an advantage.
The selected chair, professor or unit of TUM will be equipped with a 50% E13 position for the duration of one year, starting from January-December 2022.
Additional costs, for student or research assistants, as well as travel costs and equipment, can also be funded.
All TUM professors or managing directors of a TUM unit are eligible to apply. The open position as project manager is placed as administrative or academic staff at the awarded chair, department, school or unit.
Each application contains:
- Your name and TUM entity involved
- The name of the project manager foreseen, if available
- A very brief explanation on your expertise and focus for developing the Collider
Please submit your application in English or German language.
Please send your application to the EuroTeQ project manager at
The deadline for the call is December 17, 2021.
- Decisions are expected to be announced in December 2021
- Starting date for the project manager position as of January 2022
An expert review panel with representatives from the EuroTeQ project, TUM student representation, ProLehre Medien und Didaktik, a representative of the Deans of Academic and Student Affairs, and a representative of Assistant professors/Research assistants will assess the eligible applications. TUM´s Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs chairs the panel.
The panel will rank the proposals based on:
- quality of concept/alignment to the purpose of the EuroTeQ project
- innovative format and willingness to address all learner groups
The TUM Global & Alumni Office administers the EuroTeQ project. The CST is contact point for the EuroTeQ Collider working group. Please contact us, if you have any queries.
Carla Albrecht-Hengerer
TUM Global & Alumni Office
Technical University of Munich
Arcisstr. 21, 80333 Munich, Germany
Phone: +49 89 289 25297
Martina Wayand
TUM Center for Study and Teaching
Technical University of Munich
Arcisstr. 21, 80333 Munich, Germany
Phone: +49 89 289 25304