The document “Co-creation. A Roadmap Towards Socially Responsible Engineering Education” is the result of more than 2 years of research at the EuroTeQ universities. We gathered desires, needs, and worries of those directly or indirectly working with co-creation at the EuroTeQ universities. The conversations and workshops with students, teachers, stakeholders, managers, and pedagogical units brought us closer to the decisive moments when onboarding on the co-creation journey in the classroom – they emerged as seven important moments to consider.

After controversies such as the VW diesel scandal, transport safety issues, or gender biases in facial recognition, engineering universities have been aiming to transform themselves with a renewed spirit for societal responsibility and sustainability. However, universities have been missing guidelines on how to practically involve diverse actors and facilitate the exchange. We hope that this report makes the practical application of co-creation easier for teachers, course designers, pedagogical units, stakeholders, and anyone working with more inclusive technology development.

A big thank you to Carlos Cuevas (TUM), Erkki Karo, Shobhit Shakya (TalTech), Lukas Fuchs (TU/E), Monamie Bhadra Haines (Virginia Tech, previously DTU), Per Dannemand Andersen (DTU) and Patrik Mottl (CTU) for their feedback on the content, as well as to Emmeline Werner for the Graphics, and Barbara Nino Carreras for support with the version for screen readers.

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